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jAjB jCjD jEjF jGjH jIjJ jKjL jMjN jOjP jQjR jSjT jUjV jWjX jYjZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
junior SONADOL 5
junior VITAMILK 5
9T1 junior fashion 25
A.M. P.M. junior +tooth 21
ALBA-junior 5
ALPHORES junior college 16
AMERAVITE junior-b 5
CECIL convent school junior 41
CIBACA super junior 21
CIBACA supra junior soft 21
CIBACA supreme junior +bird 21
CIBACA supreme junior +cat 21
CLASSIC junior saw blades 8
GIORDANO junior 9
HOP junior +rabbit 25
HUMA care junior WE CARE 42
JAIIB junior associateship 16, 41
KBC junior 25
LEO junior saw blades 8
MOTHER'S PRIDE junior 9, 16, 25, 28, 35, 41, 42
NOSCODIL junior 5
PEE LEE junior shirts 25
POLO junior kh +man & book 16
RAMBO junior 25
RAMBO junior +oval 25
RICONIA junior drops 5
RICONIA junior liquid 5
ROX-junior 5
SERVIL junior 5
SUSTAGEN junior 5
TL top level junior +shield 25
TRUVIN junior 5
VOODOO junior's 25
VPS junior socks KIDS ZONE 25
indian ROCKSTARS junior 16, 41
juniors +cap & face 5
RED CHIEF juniors 25
RJAGZ juniors +hat 25
ROMSONS juniors india 10
YOUNG PANDA juniorwear 25
dot junky 24
VENUS juno 11
BIKAJI food junxon +glass 30
jupiter cement +star & oval 19
JE jupiter +triangle 12
LIVOSIN jupiter 5
jurak QUALITY NO.1 888 34
jurak almahiki 34
jurak almal ki 34
ADNI brand jurak +oval 34
AL ABBAS jurak quality no. 34
NAKHLA brand jurak 34
al-abbas best jurak no.1 34
bahraini jurak +shell 34
jurasic park +animals & tre 16
JM juris METRICS +oval 42
JM juris MOUNT +arcs square 45
amicus AJ juris LAWYERS 42
jus NIBBLZ the anytime bite 30
jus cool 32
BASICS jus' be yourself! 25
KGI jus-s 32
just 9 & 9 +flower & circle 16
just 9 AND 9 THE DOLLAR DEA 16
just BIRYANIS 33
just CANDY 3
just CHILL +crown 25
just EVES 9
just MOMS 3
just PRAFFUL 23
just ROBERTO 25
just ZAIKA 31
just bake +squares 30, 35
just be yourself MR. MISTER 30
just books CLC +hands & boo 41
just buy cycles +triangle 12
just chill BRAMHECHA'S 30
just fill +butterfly 16
just imagine 9
just sandwiches 29
BARTER just values +hands 5, 21
BRITTE just eat +ovals 29
BSNL-happiness just a phone 9, 16
C just CAVALLI 18
ESTEE LAUDER just perfect 3
EXCUSE ME just men's fashio 25, 35
FRESNO just brite 3
INDUS just a must 19, 20
J4U just for you 25
JB just books RAMAN TOWER 16
JC just call +flower circle 35
JFK-just for kids 18
JFU just for u 25
JFW just for women 16
JLT just like that 30
JR just RIGHT +circle 27
KELLOGG'S just right 30
LASCO just for kids +tooth 3
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